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Outstanding time lapse videos in August 2020

Welcome to our list of outstanding time lapse videos in August 2020. Every month, we honour outstanding projects and show these masterpieces to as many time lapse enthusiasts as possible. We pick videos for their unique shots, outstanding quality or innovative editing.

Milky Way timelapse - on 35mm FILM

I'm sure you've already heard of astrophotography, so you might also have seen some astro time lapse videos. But you might not have seen a time lapse video of the Milky Way like this. Jason De Freitas, an analogue photographer based in Australia, took the pretty unusual approach of using his analogue Nikon FM2 SLR camera on 35mm film. Check out the result of this experiment in this outstanding video:

We love this crazy idea. Right on point, excellently edited and visually unique! Five stars!

Neowise Comet Over The World Oldest Trees

Short 8K Timelapse Film

As you might know, mid-2020 was the perfect time to shoot the Neowise comet. Therefore, featuring a time lapse video about this fascinating event was not only a wish but kind of an obligation. Trevor Adler, a.k.a. AdlerStudios, is a photographer and filmmaker in Southern California. Check out his other outstanding work that we featured back in May 2020 here. He captured these stunning shots during a six-day trip to California’s White Mountains where the ancient Bristlecone pines, Earth's oldest living trees, dwell. Trevor thought it was a good idea to get off the beaten path to search for lesser-known trees. It was an effort which totally paid off in our opinion, but why not see for yourself!

Like in his last video "San Dieglow", Trevor has the right sense for stunning natural phenomena. These are truly unique shots that you simply must see. Take a look.

Midnight Sun 8K

A Time-Lapse Adventure

Are you into time lapse photography? Then check out Morten Rustad's work. Seriously. He is one of the best out there. He is based in Norway, a country which has regions where the sun never sets during summer, because they are in the arctic circle. Morten used this awesome and unique light as the subject of his latest work.

Morten Rustad is a true master of time lapse photography. His awesome skills combined with the fascinating look of the midnight sun result in an awesome piece of art. Congrats!

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